2. To view the news site’s content, click on the Site dropdown at the upper left corner of your Dashboard. Select your site, e.g. ACAD-COMMGRAD-news.miami.edu or ACAD-ADMIS-news.miami.edu
3. Once you are viewing the site content for news.miami.edu, click on the _assets folder. Navigate to the images/images-stories folder. Continue navigating until you reach the folder for the appropriate year/month.
4. Look for a red plus sign in the topmost header area of the page and click on Add Content. Inside the Common Add Images and PDFs folder, select Image from the dropdown menu.
5. Drag and drop the first image into the window or choose it from your computer. The File Name will automatically populate with the file name previously given to the image in Photoshop. Fill in the Alternative Text (img ALT tag).
Info |
The File Name should include the image dimensions at the end—e.g., student-center-480x320. This will help when you are inserting the image into the story. The purpose of Alternative Text is to provide a description of the contents of an image file. One of the most common uses of Alternative Text is to provide text for visitors who can't see images in their browsers. |
6. Click Save & Preview Draft. After the preview, click Submit, then click Start Workflow Submit again. Repeat this process for the other two versions of the photo.
8. Look for the red plus sign in the topmost header, and click on Add Content. Inside the Site Assets Add Stories folder, select News Item from the dropdown menu.
9. Begin filling out the fields for the News Item.