4. In the Events List section, fill out all desired fields. If you leave the field blank, it will default to display all events.
Venues: Enter venue IDs, separated by commas.
Topics: Enter topics, separated by commas.
Calendar ID: Enter Calendar, group or department IDs, separated by commas.
Event Type ID: Type in which type of event to display, e.g. Virtual or Exhibit.
Number of Results Per Page: Enter a numerical value for the amount of events you want to display, before the Load More button. For example, if you enter 25, 25 events will display before the Load More button.
Days Ahead: From the drop-down menu, choose one of the options for the number of days ahead you want to display on your calendar, e.g. choose 1 Month to display a month’s worth of events. The maximum is 6 Months.
6. When you are done making edits to your page, click Preview Draft. After previewing the draft, click Submit to save the page to CMS.