Calendar Cards

Calendar Cards

The Calendar Cards visual element can be previewed on our Demo website. It is available on interior pages (standard) in the Secondary Visual Element section.

Table of Contents

How it Looks

How to Add Calendar Cards

While editing your interior page (standard), scroll down to the Secondary Visual Element section. Select Calendar Cards from the Element Type drop-down menu.

View How to Add a Standard Interior Page for a refresher on how to build an interior page (standard) from scratch.

Edit Calendar Card Fields

In the Calendar Cards section, fill out all desired fields. If you leave the field blank, it will default to display all events in that particular field.

When entering content into most of the available fields (see below), please replace capital letters with lowercase letters, and replace spaces between words with underscores. For example, instead of using the formal name of Lowe Art Museum, type in lowe_art_museum.


  • featured-only: Select yes to only show featured events.

  • sponsored-only: Select yes to only show sponsored events.

  • Number of Cards: Type in the number of calendar cards you want to display on your webpage. The cards are designed to display a maximum of 4 in a row (on your webpage).

  • Days Ahead: Type in the number of days ahead you want to display on your calendar, e.g. type in 30 to display a month’s worth of events. The maximum is 365 days.

  • Community: Type in the desired campus, e.g. coral_gables_campus, miller_school_campus, rosenstiel_school_campus, or all. Leave the field empty to display all.

  • Groups: Type in which campus group to display, e.g. to display all events for Student Government (SG), , type in student_government_sg.

  • Departments: Type in which campus department to display, e.g. to display all events for the Lowe Art Museum, type in lowe_art_museum.

  • Places: Type in which campus place/venue to display, e.g. to display all events at the Herman Ring Theatre, type in herman_ring_theatre.

  • Event Types: Type in which type of event to display, e.g. Virtual or Exhibit.

For help with Events Widgets and all available fields, visit https://events.miami.edu/help/widget


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