Global Footer

Global Footer

Learn how to edit the global footer on your UM website.

Table of Contents


What is the Footer?

The footer is a global page element that is required for all University of Miami websites. There are three standard components in the footer—the logo and contact information, custom column fields, and site legal disclaimer.

Most web editors of sites in Cascade CMS will only edit the contact information, and custom column fields.

How to Edit the Global Footer


1. In the Site Content menu on the left, click on the _cascade folder.

2. Inside the _cascade folder, click on the site-assets folder, then click on the global-footer folder.

3. Click on the global-footer asset.

global-footer asset in the Site Content menu

4. Click on the Edit tab. You can also right-click on the asset, and choose Edit.

5. When you expand the Columns Container, you will see three Grid Setting sections.

Do not edit the Column Size or Column Offset in any of the three Grid Setting sections, without contacting our team first at webmaster@miami.edu.

6. Also in the Columns Container, you will see four Footer Columns. In these four columns, you will be able to edit your school, college, department or unit's contact information, and custom column fields.

four Footer Columns

7. In the first Footer Column (usually a Column Type of Contact), you will find the Contact information. Edit any of the Contact fields, including Title, Address, Telephone, and email.

Contact information in first footer column

8. In the second and third Footer Columns (usually a Column Type of Links), you will find the Link Groups and Links.

Do not edit the Column Size, Column Offset, or Custom CSS Class in any of the sections, without contacting our team first at webmaster@miami.edu.

9. In the Link Group section, you can edit the Group Heading. The Group Heading is the heading (<h5>) for that group of links.

10. Edit any of the Link fields, including the Label, and Link Type. Link your Label using an Internal Link or an External Link. To specify an internal link, click on the page chooser and navigate to the desired page to select it. To specify an external link, type or paste a URL in the external link text box.

Links section in footer

To reorder Links, use the Move to TopMove UpMove Down, or Move to Bottom arrow buttons. You can also click and drag the links into place to reorder it.

11. In the fourth Column, you will usually find a second Link Group, with a Social Link Type. In this section, you can edit the Social Links.

12. Choose the appropriate Social Icon from the drop-down menu. Paste the Page URL to your social channel.

13. When you are done making edits to your footer, click Preview Draft. After previewing the draft, click Submit to save these changes to the CMS.

14. The footer has been successfully saved to the CMS. You must now Publish the entire site, since the footer is found on every page of the site.

Avoid publishing your entire site during business peak hours. Publishing entire sites consumes bandwidth in the University's publishing queue.


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