Edit a Primary Landing Page

Edit a Primary Landing Page

A Primary Landing Page is a template in Cascade CMS used for most homepages on a website. It is typically already setup when a site is initially delivered, but you may want to edit it.

Table of Contents

Some common things that site managers might be looking to achieve by editing a Primary Landing Page may actually be handled by editing other assets. The first thing to understand is that if you are looking to change sitewide aspects of a site like the main navigation, drop-down menus, the signature/logo of the site, sitewide styles or colors, search, or other resources like the "More Sites" drop-down that can appear near the search box, all of these features are changed at the site level. You won't find anything on a Primary Landing Page that can affect these things. Just like all other page assets, the controls available when you edit a Primary Landing Page only affect the page you are editing.


Features of a Primary Landing Page

Confirming the Page Type Your Are Editing

If you are unsure what type of landing page is being used for the homepage of your site, browse to the desired page and select Edit. In edit mode, select the Configure tab. The Content Type will allow you to confirm the page type being used.

Finding and Editing a Primary Landing Page

All Primary and Complementary Master Brand websites use the Primary Landing Page as the site's homepage. This allows for various aspects of these pages to be unlocked so that certain master-level design aspects can be unique for the main websites of a given portfolio. You will find that outside of a few key aspects, a Primary Landing Page and a Secondary Landing Page have almost exclusively the same options and components.

1.In the Site Content menu on the left, browse to the site's homepage, usually the only "index" page on the root of a site

2. Click the page asset, you will see it load in the Cascade Workspace.

3. Browse to the Content Area of the page. 

The Content Area of a Landing Page allows you to add, remove, or change the order of Visual Elements. Each "Visual Element" has unique options and purposes.

Primary Visual Element

The topmost element in the Content Area of a landing page is the Primary Visual Element.

To edit the current Primary Visual Element, incuding hiding, editing, or choosing another type of element, start by expanding the Primary Visual Element section to see what details are currently set.

Choosing Type allows you change the Primary Visual Element to one of the following options:

To hide the Primary Visual Element section altogether, uncheck Display Primary Visual Element.


Secondary Visual Elements

Just below the Primary Visual Element section, you will see one or more Secondary Visual Element sections. You'll notice that you can expand and collapse each section. You can also move sections up or down (with the arrows), and/or remove a section (with the X).

Each visual element represents a type of content on your landing page, and each can be set with unique options and styles. Browse the following types of Secondary Visual Elements and how to manage each.

Types of Secondary Visual Elements


Related Content

The Related Content section allows you to add content tags to a specific page and on interior pages, to display the Related Content Widget. Adding content tags to a landing page allows it to be clustered with other pages elsewhere that contain the same tag.

For example, perhaps a site manager tags certain homepages with a unique tag called "of-interest-to-parents." Using the Related Content controls found elsewhere, pages can be created that will display the pages that match that tag. In our example, perhaps there is an interior page somewhere called "Pages at the School of Music for Parents of Current Students." That page could present a link to the homepage we tagged because we added a matching tag on the "Content Tags" section of our Related Content component.

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